Bogdan Please reply here with issues related to the Public Beta. ⚠️ Please post only issues with the currently available features ⚠️
nino salut! dupa ce urmez toti pasii in mod corect, cand incerc sa ma loghez imi zice incorect password. am verificat parola de 50 de mii de ori, si este corecta. Ba chiar am si schimbat-o, nereușind nimic. Ce sa fac?
Bogdan Salut, nu am gasit niciun cont cu adresa de e-mail a contului de pe forum, sigur ai urmat tutorialul cum trebuie (in special pasul 1)?
Bogdan DarkHero Hi, audibles aren't supported yet, but yes, you'll need Flash for them in the future. You can download it: